Definition of SERUM

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se·​rum | \ ˈsir-əm \

plural sera\ ˈsir-​ə \ or serums


1 : the watery, clear portion of an animal fluid:

a : the clear, yellowish fluid that remains from blood plasma after clotting factors (such as fibrinogen and prothrombin) have been removed by clot formation : blood serum — compare antiserum , convalescent serum

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b : a normal or pathological serous fluid (as in a blister)

2 : a usually lightweight cosmetic preparation especially for use on the face specifically : a typically water-based, often concentrated preparation that lacks lubricating and thickening agents an antiaging facial serum

3 : the watery part of a plant fluid Latex. This, the natural product of the rubber tree, is a suspension of rubber droplets in a watery serum concentrated and stabilized in such a way that the dry rubber content is between 60 and 70 per cent.— C. A. O'Flaherty — see also truth serum

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: occurring or found in the blood serum serum cholesterol serum antibodies

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