Mysterious Serum: Keep or Give

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Hunter-sama 5 years ago#1

Possible Spoiler

So I'm doing that quest for Jack Cobot, the one that is part of that Asylum quest line. I have now the Mysterious Serum, and have the option to give it or keep it. So my questions are:

1. What can I do with it if I keep it?

2. What do I gain if I give it to him?

Chef_Umaril 5 years ago#2

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If you give it up, you get a small bonus plus the typical pay. Keeping it will remove all rads and give bonuses to special stats. (Can't remember which ones) Don't worry about it, you can get 5 more, or an infinite supply depending on your choice in the final part of the quest line.

Xbox GT: Chef Umaril

Nords without heavy armor may as well be Breton girls.


(message deleted)

Hunter-sama (Topic Creator)5 years ago#4

Spoiler Alert

TheTrueWolfboy posted...

Spoilers for rest of quest:

Freeing Lorenzo, and then killing the other Cabots, nets you infinitely replenishable Mysterious Serum. Killing Lorenzo gets you a gimmicky telekinesis gun thing.

So in other words, be evil and kill the family I was working for?

shadeaux 5 years ago#5

Thanks to Dogmeat my supply is still infinite regardless of the ending.

Even a blind acorn finds a monkey

GT: oy le bumbler

ThaMadWarrior 5 years ago#6

I don't quite see it as evil... From my characters perspective throughout the quest It seems to me that Jack Cabot had his father locked up for his own selfish needs for the serum. Without it, they begin to age rapidly I believe. When you "rescue" his sister she appears very old due to not taking the serum for a couple weeks. So my personal opinion is that it's the lesser of two evils to free Lorenzo. He never even leaves the house afterwards. He has god like powers but he just chills on the couch awaiting your next order of serum lol


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SeraVend 5 years ago#7

ThaMadWarrior posted...

He never even leaves the house afterwards. He has god like powers but he just chills on the couch awaiting your next order of serum lol

I actually ran into him out in the wasteland. He murdered a whole group of people and I stopped to exchange dialogue with him. Turns out he's studying the effects of radiation on the brain.

GT: TheIVthSurvivor

ThaMadWarrior 5 years ago#8

Really?!?! I have to see that... I was unaware. Every time I check in for a new batch he's just sitting on the couch lol. Is that just a random encounter or what? I need to trigger that lol


SeraVend 5 years ago#9

ThaMadWarrior posted...

Really?!?! I have to see that... I was unaware. Every time I check in for a new batch he's just sitting on the couch lol. Is that just a random encounter or what? I need to trigger that lol

I think it might be random, yeah. My character was surprised to see him.

GT: TheIVthSurvivor

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