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The effect on reading comprehension of required mastery of on- line pre-reading activity quizzes.

Because of the convenience of online deliver y, these quizzes were well suited to the needs of today's liberal arts students who often participate in many extracur r icular activities.


When quizzed on it, these individuals often report that they felt no sense of moving their arm voluntarily, but rather experienced the downward movement as something that happened to them.

Furthermore, because it appears that older adults have higher levels of foreign language anxiety, instructors could consider administering examinations and quizzes with less stringent time constraints.

Creating leaflets with contact details, envelopes and quizzes attached was more time-consuming than anticipated, but it was felt to be very effective and was a cost-effective method of recruitment.

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The two studies reported here investigated whether lesson review quizzes result in positive effects on subsequent academic perfor mance, or whether the effects are non-existent or negative.

In addition, there are an increasing number of question-answer web sites, for example, sites that provide tests for language learners, or news providers that host quizzes on current events.

Instructional effects of lesson review quizzes.

He was quizzed about his ethnic origin and left to sleep on a concrete floor.

Another mental picture of the system being set up is that it resembles the competitions or quizzes that sometimes appear in magazines.

There are quizzes held in some schools, and the children who take part in them go home and try out the questions on their parents.

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They want to share in the good and bad of television, the serious and the trivial, the sport, the quizzes, the news and the soaps.

A wide cross-section of industry quizzed only last week could find no evidence of imports being curbed since the scheme's introduction.

I have already quizzed him on some matters.

How can he take such a view when we are clearly already in the era of cartoons, soaps and quizzes?

Các quan điểm của các ví dụ không thể hiện quan điểm của các biên tập viên Cambridge Dictionary hoặc của Cambridge University Press hay của các nhà cấp phép. [external_footer]

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