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Chitinozoans and a few graptolites were found in the unit, but no other fossils.

However, their exact stratigraphic relation to the trace fossils is not clear.


In this chapter typical examples of the kinds of fossils most commonly encountered are illustrated by beautiful specimens.

At the opposite end of the scale from the phylum is the smallest unit of classification usually used for fossils: the species.

The small, lentil-shaped fossils are a separate form of the same species.

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Most bivalve fossils are a few centimetres long; the ideal size for collecting.

Here, no vertebrates at all could be found, the fossils consisting only of invertebrates such as the trilobites.

However, this technique only provides an external morphological description of putative fossilized cells and is incapable of distinguishing between abiotic fossils of similar morphologies.

The conditions leading to preservation of these fossils are undoubtedly rare but not entirely unique.

The fossils were found in the middle part of the road-cut.

The use of trace fossils as proxies for the presence of animals allows palaeoecological data to be gathered in the absence of body fossils.

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The ages of these inferred foreign successions, which lack fossils, have been a matter of debate.

A biostratigraphic correlation was possible as the fauna was not associated with other fossils and was unique.

The illustrations are mostly high quality black-and-white photos but there are also 16 pages of excellent colour photos of fossils and their living counterparts.

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The zone is 170 m thick, and ammonoids and other fossils occur as imprints in mudstones and as shell-rich layers in sandy turbidites.

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