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I was completely clueless how to go about this writing assignment.

How, then, does democracy work, when most voters are clueless?


He possibly would not have acted in the clueless, senseless manner in which the present holder of the office has acted since then.

Today, he was still clueless—that does not change—but last year he was at least able to include two welcomes in his speech.

They were all utterly clueless about what they could do about it.

Unless one is completely clueless, two years is a period in which some sort of policy ought to have begun to emerge.

It was clear that they, too, were quite clueless about what their function would be on arrival.

Some of the comments suggest that the electorate are somehow clueless and could not cope with change.

Many families are clueless about existing provisions.

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Unfortunately, he does not know the difference between refuse collection and refuse disposal, and he is clueless about the inter-relation of services appropriate to a local authority.

Clouseau is so clueless and clumsy that while several theft attempts are made at a fancy-dress party, he looks everywhere but the right place.



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One of the more amusing aspects of his live performances were the frequent occasions when he'd talk above the heads of his often clueless guests.

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He is also very loving and caring, but he can be clumsy and clueless at times although he can be arrogant and naughty.



This example is from Wikipedia and may be reused under a CC BY-SA license.

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She is clueless about the world and is prone to misunderstanding things.



This example is from Wikipedia and may be reused under a CC BY-SA license.

Deciding a grandson will do the trick, the clueless boys set out to find a woman who can give them a baby.



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