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Unambiguous scans within family are most useful for retrieving just the highest order of analysis.

The x-ray was prepared by conventional means and then scanned to transmit it.


In practice, however, this is a realistic option only for a limited number of markers in, say, more detailed mapping after a first genome scan.

With this in mind, the following sections summarise safety considerations relating to particular conditions and scan modes.

In all, 30 tapes with over 100-hours of footage were scanned using event sampling to note and time each discrete interactional episode.

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This is far from ideal since most patients have to be scanned in the supine position with their arms up.

The inspection system enabled the user to scan the surface of hybrid microcircuits.

The application of a very sharp needle with a tip in atomic dimensions is used to scan material surfaces very closely.

Several scanning electron micrographs are exhibited which illustrate the ovum surface detail at various magnifications.

Figure 10(b) shows the principal returns selected from the scan along with the point features extracted by the algorithm.

The handwritten essays are then scanned and scored by two independent readers.

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Only densitometry scans of these profiles can show possible alterations.

Unfortunately, this unique specimen was destroyed during preparation for scanning electron micrography.

Wasting time scanning too much information in order to get a complex picture of various factors can be fatal in real life conditions.

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The value of examination of the relationship of the abdominal great vessels as part of the fetal scan, therefore, should be emphasized.

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