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Therefore, the evils which my noble friend referred to at once occur: there is the ambidextrous appeal.

My father was left-handed as a child and was forced to write with his right hand; he has developed the ability to write equally well with either hand—he is ambidextrous.


Bergman himself preferred the term ambi-ideation to ambidextrous, as it conveyed the added ability to express ideas achieved when both hands were equal.



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The ambidextrous safety lever is located on both sides of the slide and also acts as a decocker when safety is engaged.



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It features an exposed hammer with ambidextrous decocking levers (on the slide).



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This may be due to the fact he is ambidextrous, playing tennis with his left hand, and writing with his right.

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The manual safety is ambidextrous and is located below the slide, above the grip.

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He was said to be ambidextrous, and did not move around once positioned for an operation.



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People that are naturally ambidextrous are uncommon, with only one out of one hundred people being naturally ambidextrous.



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It does not feature an ambidextrous slide release or magazine release.



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The injury forced him to play left-handed until his hand healed, making him effectively ambidextrous.



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It has a stainless steel frame and slide, an ambidextrous safety/decocker, a squared trigger guard, and black plastic grip plates.



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Asteropaios had the distinction in combat of being ambidextrous and would on occasion throw two spears at once.



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In addition, several characteristics of organizational culture are also emphasized on building an ambidextrous organization.



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The role of leaders (or managers) is always highlighted towards building an ambidextrous organization.



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