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At one point they interview a soldier recovering from amnesia.

Apart from other motives for the amnesia, there is a complete identification of your person with the father - she has no memory of either.


The clearest demonstrations of such dissociations arise with patients suffering global amnesia.

This means that the amnesia held to be typical of psychical shock is explained as a kind of post-hypnotic forgetting.

The account also implies we couldn't survive severe amnesia or strokes that render our brains infant-like and in need of retraining.

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In surveying modern theories of nostalgia the author points out that most ' ' proceed from and are governed by notions of loss and amnesia.

We can also re-examine the claim for a dissociation between "conscious memory" and "unconscious memory" in anterograde amnesia (and also with well-known manipulations for normals).

Thus, the play can be linked directly with the then-current economic euphoria combined with political amnesia and complacency.

Reawakened collective memory of communal life will aid collective amnesia of traumatic conflict.

For events that occur in very early childhood, lack of memory may be due to childhood amnesia.

Possibly women who have had a stillbirth develop amnesia for some of the events associated with it.

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The phenomenon of amnesia for syncope is the most likely explanation for this overlap.

Certainly, war crimes suspects have often favoured a sort of amnesia.

There are, naturally, some very good reasons for this "historical amnesia" of the natural sciences.

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This phenomenon can be explained by source amnesia.

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