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Motivated by the need for more settlers, they turned a blind eye to fugitives' illegal status and permitted them to settle.

The gamble paid off as huge audiences came to antislavery meetings to hear the chilling and compelling stories of recently escaped fugitives.


Then again, compared to their male counterparts, fewer female fugitives appeared and spoke at abolitionists' lecture series.

Although nothing ever came of this, it is interesting that the fugitives would have been arrested in such a high profile manner.

Rather, documents described workers as fugitives (taowang) or as having stealthily absconded (qiantao).

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Shepherds were not permitted to quit, and if they 'absconded', they became fugitives.

To this end they repeatedly urged the government to return fugitives to their cities, and to abolish the immunities enjoyed by church and noble land in and around the cities.

Given this situation their only option was to become fugitives on their own land, which as mentioned earlier, had adverse consequences for the future claims on land.

If he reasoned, he would know that a fugitive carrying a birdcage is ludicrously easy to track.

She argues that the multiple and fugitive selves in the novel figure the ontological status of identity itself.

The arrivals of fugitives, refugees or exiles in the border cities were carefully registered and included in periodical reports.

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Secondly, good relations are certainly bedevilled by escaping fugitives, which is a matter that causes resentment.

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The problem of securing the extradition of fugitives who claim their offences are political is regularly reviewed between our respective officials.

I want to talk about the agreement on the fugitives.

Does he share my concern that, included amongst those seeking political asylum, there are those who are fugitives from justice in their own countries?

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