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Uncanceled wrongs are done by gladiators to other gladiators and by the promoters and supporters of the contest to all the gladiators.

The case for criminal prohibition is as compelling as ever, but the gladiators' consent has put that case beyond the reach of the political community.


Viewed on balance, the interests of the gladiators are set back.

Surely the most fundamental interests of the gladiators are put at enormous risk, and the potential gains very likely do not outweigh those risks.

Feinberg replies that we find the case for criminal prohibition compelling because we are deeply skeptical about the claim that the gladiators' consent could be free and fully informed.

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I do not think we had in mind that there would be many exhausted gladiators on that body.

I watched those two ancient gladiators clash over programme after programme, and found it difficult to decide which of them was talking greater nonsense.

He is a gladiator of the finest sort.

The lawyer is not a gladiator, but a prevention officer.

One cannot raise gladiators, all-in wrestlers, or people on the kind of eggs sold in the shops today.

He has spoken about rings, gloves, gladiators and conflicts.

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This fight has not been staged; there are no gladiators involved.

This debate was billed in advance as a great clash of the gladiators over an issue of high principle.

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Why talk like a nation of gladiators when at this moment we could not hold out for half an hour in a nuclear war?

There are not just the half dozen fashionable gladiators of a hundred years ago.

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