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It was an inferno 'of such jargon, and continued dissonance' that he doubted if anything fine could ever emerge from it.

For the first time, the mushroom cloud becomes the symbol of nuclear inferno.


The place had turned into an inferno.

The objection to the apparently compulsive use of such phrases as 'raging inferno' and 'death toll' is precisely that they may have lost their impact by constant use.

Because many of the decorations were of a highly inflammable type, the hall was soon an inferno.

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If war comes, men's bodies will be dragged into the inferno.

There were people trapped inside the twin towers who found temporary respite in the floors above the blazing inferno.

People clamber over seats; they will do anything to get away from the inferno that is so quickly produced inside the airliner's cabin.

The inferno of noise in summer is so great that it is not only people who are disturbed in their homes.

The argument we must face tonight is whether these regulations will allow people to get out of that inferno.

Where can this lead but to an inferno?

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We sometimes forget that we are standing—fortunately it is miles away—on a raging inferno.

It burst into flames, with the screaming aircrew unable to escape the inferno, except for one who was thrown out as the fuselage split open.

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I thought that nothing could survive such an inferno—that everything would be vaporised, neutralised and made safe.

If we are to drag victory from this frightful inferno all our resources and all our organising capacity must be devoted to it without let or hindrance.

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