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There are moles, fishing operations, a spymaster-general and mysterious pots of marmalade.

Jam, marmalade and honey, which can be sold in cartons or in jars without specific weight, are also mentioned, as are sweets and chocolates.


I am not familiar with the exportation of jam, marmalade or biscuits.

It concerns not accepting the general use of a chemical flavouring in jams and marmalades, that is vanillin.

I should, perhaps, sound a note of warning about jam and marmalade.

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Jam and marmalade will be imported by private traders.

We shall take all preserves, including marmalade and imported jams, off the ration altogether.

There is certainly not enough to allow an additional distribution of jam and marmalade.

She tells us that many people nowadays like marmalade instead.

It is not a case of being able to buy marmalade cheaper at one shop than at another.

There used to be an advertisement years ago of orange marmalade as a substitute for butter.

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So we will just have a porridge breakfast with no marmalade or jam.

For breakfast there is marmalade, and for tea, jam.

He produces mustard, marmalade and chutneys as well.

I think she had several tins of marmalade at different times, but it was always the same thing—one tin of marmalade.

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