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Finally, he looks for an instrumental of a song to drive the mashup.




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Mashup composition tools are usually simple enough to be used by end-users.



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He specializes in making comic adaptations of literature classics, producing a mashup of high and low cultures.



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The main characteristics of a mashup are combination, visualization, and aggregation.



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Unlike other party mashup releases they were heavily played by house djs all over the world.



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Many create mashup video collages using the samples' original music videos.



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The label releases artists works from a wide variety of genres including noise, soundscape, breakcore, mashup and many more that don't fit comfortably into any genre.

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Adding to this the internet turns consumers into producers, by way of user generated content, leading to the sharing, mashup and creation of content not motivated by financial gains.



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While some of the tracks are conventional remixes, most tracks are mashup collages with the vocals of one song placed over the instrumental part of another.



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The achievement has been given as an example of the networking site's uncanny ability to mashup the serious and the silly aspects of everything it touches.



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Outside of business intracet user, very often simpler portals become replaced with richer mashup designs.


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Most mashup concepts were conceived by the in-house remix team.



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The emergence of the musical mashup genre has compounded the issue of creative licensing.



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His lyrics range from original to biblical sources or a mashup of the two.



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Reaction to the mashup appears to reinforce the prejudice against the 1998 film.



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