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That frustration expressed itself in harsh censure of a metropolis where success apparently had to be won at the price of personal honour.

On the one hand, those systems permitted the country to "invade" the city, as country dwellers migrated to the metropolis in huge numbers.


Furthermore, the metropolis was an important purveyor of cinematographic spectacle, as witnessed by the popularity of an early genre : the ' ' urban panoramas.

A further example of this process can be found in the concept of circulation that dominated the industrial development of the nineteenth-century metropolis.

But in the world's metropolis even the imperial language itself cannot retain its purity.

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And there the bells speak, recalling him as one who is destined to penetrate to the commercial metropolis's inner core.

Finally, the divided metropolis provided fertile ground for new ideas about the role of government.

A major concern throughout the book is to trace the bonds linking metropolis and provinces.

The data suggest that these foreign residents were of intermediate status, perhaps, as argued earlier, serving as merchants or trade representatives from the highland metropolis.

The remaining chapters assess how the metropolis attempted to re-establish control over its dominions and examine the settlers' responses to these various initiatives.

We observe that in the heart of the great metropolis, linguistic changes advance steadily from one female age cohort to another.

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He traces the development of racism in that metropolis from its origins in the early seventeenth century.

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However, new ways of 'doing' urban history have begun to stimulate greater interest in the metropolis as an object of study.

Of course, this was possible because of another boundary - geographical distance - between the colony and the metropolis.

But the characteristics of the metropolis force historians to reconsider this idea.

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