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They had little to occupy themselves during the days, weeks, or sometimes months they spent on these lonely outposts of the colonies.

In other reserves tax collectors made periodic trips to the outposts to collect tax.


Robotic outposts are, we are told, relatively new mission concepts.

A jihad was declared, and the party began military operations against government infrastructure, military outposts and resident highlanders.

The city's experts and administrators projected many such outposts into the rural landscape around them.

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Correspondingly there are other areas, too, that still or already lie in shadow as outposts or stragglers.

The quarantine system did not provide what was needed for individuals incarcerated on isolated outposts after a long voyage, particularly for those who were healthy.

Rather than serving as curious outposts of a bizarre and self-contradictory religion, mission schools were supported by those who understood their moral, social and humanistic utility.

Do parents who live in crime-ridden inner cities and vulnerable outposts have a moral obligation to abandon their homes, neighbors, and social ideals for safer places?

Given the creation of this sensibility, it is not surprising that so many poems of retirement, like so many country houses themselves, reconstituted urban sophistication in rural outposts.

In an isolated colonial outpost, economic levelling and the necessities of everyday life likely increased both interaction and material accommodation.

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Stronger volitions overtake him, and his body becomes an extreme outpost of an idea.

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I should have thought that, from their point of view, by doing this they were abandoning the outposts of the privileged society that they defend.

Do we want to maintain, nourish and expand our commercial and financial outposts across the world?

Today, the red squirrel has retreated to a few outposts.

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