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Các ví dụ của sport



Physical sports would probably be widely accepted as an exception to restrictive rules on consent, but two points must be borne in mind.

What it does have is the ability to market and organise sports events, and extract a high price from advertisers and sponsors.

More passive sports, such as angling, can also have an environmental impact.

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She had to make a claim against the insurers, because her friend had not had full cover for his sports car.

One large shopping, sports and entertainments centre can give better services to the 100 000 people than the two old smaller centres.

The sports centre plays on this associative theme, abstract, critical and nostalgic in turn.

The stair is lit as a sports arena for play.

Further, illegal fishing and unregulated sports fishing have contributed to fish depletion.

Firstorder practices are the basic activities of our lives - politics, business, science, art, sports.

She says that her knee hurt when she was young, and doctors told her parents and schoolteachers never to let her play sports.

We currently recommend abstention from competitive or strenuous sports for the majority of patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.

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Predisposition to aggressiveness will not necessarily express itself as violent behaviour, but as talent in sports or creativity.

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All participants indicated that winning and losing was only a part of the sporting experience.

Even more damaging to their theory is the fact that sports spectator disorder is not always synonymous with economic problems.

Even when it comes to features, the arts and sports, we seek to cover events whose interest value goes well beyond national borders.

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