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Term-equivalent algebras have the same universes, but the similarity types may differ.

If all possible universes could be realized, this would guarantee one (indeed infinitely many) like ours.


In actuality, nearly all regional universes have been demarcated with practical considerations in mind, and with a view to encompassing more than one environmental zone.

One might, prematurely, conclude that logic and the empirical sciences occupy different universes, and that no wormhole connects them.

Consider one of the universes which has no explanation of its existence.

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Isn't the problem therefore more likely to lie with the mathematics than the argument for infinitely many universes ?

Consider first the standard argument for many universes.

Perhaps this moves us a bit further on, but we need a yet further assumption to get a definitive explanation for life-bearing universes.

Moreover, the number of life-bearing universes would then be infinite.

One might object that this picture of a series of ever-better universes is far too speculative.

If the person does not live again in the later universes, then the series is less than maximally perfect.

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Each first-generation counterpart is followed by a set of second-generation resurrection counterparts (in second-generation universes).

We mention these cosmological theories only to show that the idea of a branching tree of universes is certainly not physically impossible.

States are first-order structures with partial (strict) functions and (possibly empty) universes.

The big totality includes all physically possible universes as well as all mathematically possible universes.

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