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We certainly never ordered that our decision be applied to a eunuch.

Thus, eunuchs could serve as literal intermediaries between mamluks and elite women.


Like men of letters, soldiers and eunuchs, they also redefined the social life of opium.

In the end the eunuch, heard only telephonically, hovers as an unresolved cipher over the movie's apparent safe conclusion.

He would be a political eunuch—an ornament of doubtful constitutional value, rather than a functioning part of the body politic.

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It is like expecting virility from a eunuch.

Now we have a kind of political eunuch—someone not out of the top drawer.

This is the absolute recipe for a eunuch board or a series of eunuch boards, which will be worse than useless.

It is a committee which is to be appointed and presided over by someone with no party affiliations—a political eunuch.

The eunuchs invented increasingly elaborate titles for themselves in the harem.

That civil servants or quasi-civil servants of this sort ought to be regarded as social eunuchs is something that we should deplore.

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They will become editorial eunuchs, impotent to make those key decisions and appointments necessary for the efficient running of a newspaper.

She accuses the community health councils of inevitably being eunuchs.

I do not believe that political eunuchs are particularly well qualified to take on the particular roles set down for this commission.

To strengthen that self-deception, she surrounds herself with political eunuchs who lack principles, honesty and self-respect.

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