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Vortices known as whirlpools or maelstroms up to in diameter and in depth are formed when the current is at its strongest.




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They are most common at the borders of two or more planes where conflicting energies create magical maelstroms.



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A special tidal phenomenon takes place in the strait, as strong tidal currents reverse direction once every six hours, creating strong currents and maelstroms.

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They were thus ' innocent ' of the political maelstrom heading their way.

More powerful ones are properly termed "maelstroms".



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With a speed on the order of 15km/h 0 (the value strongly varies between sources), it is one of the strongest maelstroms in the world.



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All that brings about a continuous maelstrom in a crucible that might ignite at any moment to produce even more severe results.

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I greatly regret this profound issue, which affects the lives of thousands of our fellow citizens, being thrown in the maelstrom of party politics.

Cycle tracks may suddenly cease to exist, pitching the cyclist into a maelstrom of traffic at the most dangerous places.

Is she not substituting a public service that is locally accountable with a maelstrom of contractors?

They, like us, have passed through the devastating maelstrom of a great war.

Their lives will be jeopardised in the maelstrom of war.

We have landed in a great maelstrom of economic antagonism.

We can have no guarantee that in the maelstrom of political events and priorities the future will not bear an uncanny resemblance to the past.

There are very many men who went into other occupations, where they received less remuneration, rather than plunge into a maelstrom of that kind.

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