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The law could usefully be changed so that, when such revenant consents awake, they can be properly assessed in the light of contemporary circumstances.

If players can defeat the revenants haunting a totem, they can loot the items left behind by previous players.




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Often the revenants are associated with the spreading of disease among the living.



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It was first and foremost in times of starvation, when communities were struck with a series of misfortunes, that rumours about revenants began to flourish.



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In different regions, animals can be revenants as lugats; also, living people during their sleep.


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Cultural practices often arose that were intended to prevent a recently deceased loved one from turning into an undead revenant.



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Almost every nation has associated blood drinking with some kind of revenant or demon, or in some cases a deity.



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The sagas tell of drastic precautions being taken after a revenant had appeared.



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Revenants spawn at totems beyond the deserted stage.



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The impact of these friendly revenants on their young fans can not be overestimated.



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Most humans freeze in body and mind from a paralyzing terror in their presence, similar to the effects of being near a revenant.


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What they find is a series of journals detailing how a group of feral children were turned into revenants (i.e., slashers) using a drug.



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The revenant manifests itself throughout time and space at will and as different personalities to fulfill its mission of vengeance.

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Heat returns as a revenant, re-animated through a complicated procedure called necro-rise.



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While the draugr certainly preferred to be active during the night, it did not appear to be vulnerable to sunlight like some other revenants.



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