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Stay sharp, challenge your buddies, and show that you're the savviest traveler around.




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Although technically savvy, this is in no way a technical manual.

What are the characteristics of a wise or savvy patient?

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Her illegibility is cast by the narrator as a savvy mastery of discursive, subjective relationships.

Myles is described as one of the savviest and most restless intellects in contemporary literature.



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In contrast, in dealing directly with other agents, an individual's selection tendencies can be exploited by a savvy opponent.

Otherwise, access to a resource would depend on where one is lucky or savvy enough to be listed as a transplant candidate.

The most fundamental level requires logical analysis, but the strategems do not; they require political savvy and compromise.

They comb through his words with savvy caution, at all times wary and on the alert.

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He is too savvy an intellectual historian to adopt a pleading posture or not to make serious efforts to give critics of capitalism their due.

How "savvy" is construed varies on the speech context, depending on the speakers and on their cultural, ethnic, class, and regional environment.

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Instead, they were politically savvy reformers, willing to introduce change incrementally.

The prosecution, if it is savvy, will adduce evidence in the form of testimony or documents or physical evidence for every key part of its theory.

Indeed, what transpired thereafter offers another instructive glimpse at how a savvy population could still achieve its goals by manipulating the f lexible nature of law.

Though this emphasis on contemporary developments will go down well with film-savvy students, her approach in the latter section of the book can sometimes err towards the descriptive.

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