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Negotiation of meaning and codeswitching in online tandems.

Negotiation of meaning and o codeswitching in online tandems.


The sixth form boys in one school bought tandems so that they could take blind boys out cycling.

I am in favour of policemen on bikes—even on tandems, although we are trying to break up the two-by-two regime.

In identity work, erasure and highlighting often function in tandem to establish interactionally or situationally sufficient alignments and disalignments.

We consider two-stage tandem queuing systems with dedicated servers in each station and flexible servers that can serve in both stations.

The optimal control of a two-stage tandem queueing system with flexible servers.

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Rapid sizing of short tandem repeat alleles using capillary array electrophoresis and energy-transfer fluorescent primers.

Nonetheless, web-based environments devoted to developing both types of competences in tandem are new and experimental.

Both these motors are controlled by one electronic speed controller and are actuated in tandem.

Three possible scenarios are discussed extensively : mutually reinforcing flight from the world ; conflicting religiopolitical agendas ; and prophetic catalysts moving in tandem.

The pacing tandems were ridden by professionals, of whom as many as 100 were under contract.



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Competitors rode behind pacers on tandems or motorcycles.



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Spectacular tandems, interlocking talons and falling some distance from the sky are typical of mutual displays.



Ví dụ này từ Wikipedia và có thể được sử dụng lại theo giấy phép của CC BY-SA.

Four different sorts of task were set, with each tandem pair working on the task for four weeks and interacting by e-mail.

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