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Investigation content included the yield of cauliflower, the cost of pesticide use and the increase in profit per hectare.

The epithelium is characterized by large folds and cauliflower-like proliferation.


The only crop investigated was cauliflower.

During the investigation, the only other pests present were aphids; since aphids do not seriously harm cauliflower, no pest management treatment was carried out on the crop.

In other words, 5,246 lemons were destroyed every minute in that period; 1,579 peaches; 41 cauliflowers; 19 lb.

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Discussions with representative organisations on draft grades for apples, pears and cauliflowers have now been completed.

How many bruised heads, black eyes, broken noses and cauliflower ears do you want?

Syndicates of cauliflower growers in my constituency are willing to rent land at between £100 and £120 an acre.

The object of permitting the import of cauliflowers is to keep the price down.

The farmer has tried to grow cauliflowers and brussels sprouts and as quickly brought about over-production.

He went to where the cauliflowers were being cut, and he tied a piece of ribbon round one of them.

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Any of the 133 inspectors based in the regions may inspect cauliflowers from any source.

So the cauliflowers are then sprayed with purple oil, or whatever it may be, and dumped to rot away.

Apples and cauliflowers are withdrawn by producers' organisations who retain ownership of the produce withdrawn and are responsible for its disposal.

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I have recently received representations that statutory grades should not be introduced for cauliflowers and other representations that their introduction should be postponed.

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